Sunday, November 13, 2016

Who Will Succeed Ban Ki-Moon? By Thomas Brown

(Oct. 12, 2016 - Source: Drew Angerer/Getty Images North America)
Guterres with Ban Ki-moon
As the term of the current UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, comes to an end possible successors have come forward. 

The process for selecting a new Secretary General takes place within the UN Security Council of the P5 (the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, and China) the victors of WWII, where several straw polls establishes consensus. 

The tops three delegate names that came from the most recent poll are António Guterres of Portugal, Miroslav Lajčák of Slovakia, and Vuk Jeremić of Serbia. These names represent a wide range of strong leadership to experienced public service, however there was anticipation of a female UN Secretary General successor.

In the more than seventy years of existence, the UN has not had a female Secretary General. As the leader of these polls designate who will follow Ban Ki Moon, the results suggest António Guterres will be the next UN Secretary General. Guterres is the former prime minister of Portugal (1995-2002), and the United Nations high commissioner for refugees (2005-2015). 

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