Conferences are a daunting task. You are in a new hotel that you have never been to around hundreds and sometimes thousands of college students and professionals that you have never met before. You are only speaking of policy and have to speak in third person and work with people you've never met to write resolutions in committees. In addition, you will have to learn how to communicate with the dais and use the P-rules to your full advantage.
For all of these reasons, it is my responsibility to lead our group with the help of my PRs and cabinet to great success in conference by helping them conduct accurate research and write a total of two policy statements and one resolution per committee in each nation.
I remember writing my first policy statement last year and feeling a bit lost, as did most of the cabinet members. This year we are doing absolutely everything possible to ensure your success in writing magnificent policy papers that will be incredibly useful in your conference experience.
The first step of the process is creating wonderful country profiles. I am so incredibly proud of the amazing country profiles that all of our teams compiled in such a quick amount of time. The absolute most important part of the country profile is the last paragraph that includes how your nation acts in the UN and what policies it carries out.
In order to get ready to write our country profiles, it was vital that we take another look at the committees' roles inside the UN and how the pursue their nation'n UN goals and their foreign policy. To do so, each delegate was assigned a foreign policy prompt wherein they described the position of their nation in foreign policy and how their committee in the UN helps their nation attain its foreign policy goals.
The next step are the policy statements. These three paragraph documents are absolutely essential to creating a winning team in conference. For simplicity sake, we are breaking up the due dates for each policy statement. The first part of the policy statement that will be due is the background paragraph that introduces the committee the delegate is on.
In conclusion, our academic writing journey for the conference is as follows:
1. Country Profile
2. Committee Foreign Policy
3. Policy Statement Introduction Paragraphs
4. Policy Statement 2nd and 3rd Paragraphs
5, Resolution
6. Integrative Conference Plan
We have successfully completed two of the six academic writing prompts and I am confident that we will create wonderful documents in time for the conference in April.
Hope has created an outline for writing your first policy statement and has adapted the official guide for policy statements and resolutions from MUNFW. They will be in the following posts.
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